How to contribute to this documentation

If you want to help to improve this documentation here is how to do it:

Get the sources

The sources are hosted in the same Git repository as Apache Wicket’s code:

$ git clone

At the moment they are in branch with name reference-guide:

$ git checkout reference-guide

Edit the sources

Maven module wicket-reference-guide contains few sample applications and the documentation itself:

$ cd wicket-reference-guide/
$ ls

The documentation is build with Sphinx documentation tool ( It uses reStructured Text as markup. More about the syntax can be found at Quick Ref and Full documentation.

Improve the documentation in src/documentation/source/*.rst files and send us the patch when ready:

$ git diff > updated-documentation.patch

Check the changes

This step is optional. Do it only if you want to see how your changes will look like.

  1. Install Python. This will provide easy_install command.

  2. Install Sphinx:

    $ easy_install -U Sphinx
  3. Build the documentation:

    $ cd wicket-reference-guide/src/documentation/
    $ make html
  4. See your changes in a browser:

    $ google-chrome build/html/index.html

Follow the documentation process

To follow how this documentation evolves you can subcribe with your feed reader to

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